Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Read More

So, I added some code to my blog a long time ago that allowed me to post only the summaries of posts and then the reader could click on a link and read more if they wanted too. Well, I haven't been keeping up to date with my own blog and realized that something has gone wrong and no matter what I do, the "Read More" link shows up on posts whether there is more to read or not. So don't be confused.

I'll have a look at the problem soon but in the meantime . . .


He's got me pegged

I'm reading The Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery by Henri Nouwen. It's his diary of his seven months spent at the monastery. I'm blown away at how much I parallel his thinking, feeling and experiences. Here are some statements he makes and questions he asks (we'll the ones I resonate with, anyway):

"What was turning my vocation to be a witness to God's love into a tiring job?" p. 13.

"Maybe I was slowly becoming a prisoner of people's expectations instead of a man liberated by divine promises." p. 13.

"While complaining about too many demands, I felt uneasy when none were made." p. 14.

"Is there still a point where my life is anchored and from which I can reach out with hope and courage and confidence?" p. 14.

"Why do I always want to read about the spiritual life and not really live it?" p. 27.

"I think that most of my fatigue is related not to the type of work I do but to the fragile tensions I put into it." p. 37.

"The more my mind broods, the farther away from God and neighbor I move." p. 47.

". . . right under the threshold of my "bravery," there is a tremendous insecurity and self-doubt that is easily triggered and laid bare by a small event." p. 52.

So, I've kinda been living within a shadow in the last couple of months. Through conversations and even Nouwen's book, I have been encourage to find the shadow's edge and step into the light. I'm working on it . . .


Clapping and #2

Mackenzie was clapping his hands over his head this morning at breakfast. No big deal, right? Well, Angela says: "good job on clapping over your head, Mackenzie! Shows it's time that we start going to the potty now!" (yeah, despite a previous posts we haven't been working too hard on this skill with Mackenzie).

Turns out that "they" say when a child can clap their hands over their heads, they are ready to be potty trained. I am only left to wonder how a connection can be made between clapping skills and potty skills.