Thursday, March 15, 2007

How much R&R is too much?

My intern and I had breakfast supplied by Tim Hortnons.

Then we went golfing.

And then went fishing.

And hiking.

I am wondering if that was too much - especially on church time.

But then I think no and here's why:

We set out initially to only play golf, but since we went early in the morning, I was running late and had to go get a Sausage thing from Tim LLING_ERROR_1">Hortons, and as a consolation for being late, I brought David a bacon one.

On the first hole, we cleard the pond from the tee. As we walked around the pond that we soon realized was covered with a thin layer of ice, we saw that my ball came to rest on top of the ice of a tiny pond which contained a few hundred dead fish. Being the pro that I am, I dicided to chip the ball where it lay (and because I wanted a story to tell). As soon as my 9 iron hit the ice, it was obvious to us that most, if not all of these fish were indeed quite alive! David, having a heart for the living, decided he would rescue these fish and place them in the bigger, life sustaining pond. It seemed to us that these fish were going to die if left too much longer in the puddle. And would you know it, and I am not kidding, there were fish nets right there for us to do the task, or rather David. using his club to chop holes in the ice, he proceeded to catch one of these things and free it. Just as David was moving this suffocating fish to the big pond, it fell out of the net and landed on the ice with a dull thud. So much for saving it's life. He did get it into the water and the fish eventually swam to freedom. Who goes fishing on a golf course? We do.

And even though we only played 9 holes, we had quite the hike. We took in the beautiful surroundings. Ah, it was great. A cool sunny morning. How much better can it get?

And we had the course all to our selves. No pressures.

And we did this all on work time.

And I think I am using "and" too much to start sentences.

But all this to say, you can never have too much R&R.


Anonymous said...


One of my favourite things about golfing is the setting. So quiet, so serene.

Sheldon said...

I'm already looking forward to retirement!

Chris Hiebert said...

Yeah, it's not really the the golf that I like about the game of golf, it's the scenerey, the smells, the sounds (mostly nature). The pleasure of that rare good drive. People tell me that I should practice and learn how to play the game but I don't think I ever will. I think that if I took it seriously, I would't enjoy it as much.

I really hope that we could play a round of golf together, Sheldon. I remember you liked to get out there on the course. Do you golf much, Marc? There's a great short course near my house if you are interested next time you are in town.

Anonymous said...

I do indeed golf! I'm not very good, but I'd love to do a round. We may be in S'land in August. I don't imagine my clubs will fit in the car and I hate renting clubs, but whatever...