Tuesday, July 17, 2007

He's got me pegged

I'm reading The Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery by Henri Nouwen. It's his diary of his seven months spent at the monastery. I'm blown away at how much I parallel his thinking, feeling and experiences. Here are some statements he makes and questions he asks (we'll the ones I resonate with, anyway):

"What was turning my vocation to be a witness to God's love into a tiring job?" p. 13.

"Maybe I was slowly becoming a prisoner of people's expectations instead of a man liberated by divine promises." p. 13.

"While complaining about too many demands, I felt uneasy when none were made." p. 14.

"Is there still a point where my life is anchored and from which I can reach out with hope and courage and confidence?" p. 14.

"Why do I always want to read about the spiritual life and not really live it?" p. 27.

"I think that most of my fatigue is related not to the type of work I do but to the fragile tensions I put into it." p. 37.

"The more my mind broods, the farther away from God and neighbor I move." p. 47.

". . . right under the threshold of my "bravery," there is a tremendous insecurity and self-doubt that is easily triggered and laid bare by a small event." p. 52.

So, I've kinda been living within a shadow in the last couple of months. Through conversations and even Nouwen's book, I have been encourage to find the shadow's edge and step into the light. I'm working on it . . .


Anonymous said...

That's one of my favourite books of all time. Top 10 for sure.

Chris Hiebert said...

Sweet. I don't have a lot of friends that read. I actually don't read that much but I try. I used to hate reading but prayed for many years that I would like it and be better at it and God has answered that prayer.

But yeah, I don't have that many friends that read, or at least make book suggestions. Angela has been finding good reads for me lately, whether she buys them or gets them from the library. I haven't talked to her yet about this but I have a sneaking suspicion that her book choices for me have been inspired by your favorites list and recommendations, all of which I have enjoyed. Thanks Marc.