Tuesday, September 11, 2007


When we pull into the driveway of the house we rent, my 1980 Yamaha Virago and VW Westy of the same year, are there to greet us. Both have been parked there for over a year. If I park the church van in the driveway, my yard closely resembles a junkyard. Almost every time we pull in, I say something to Angela like: "I wish I could just get rid of that bike and/or VW van." I mean it half of the time.

See, at one time, all I could think about were motorcycles. Two of the three bikes I've owned in my life were given to me outright, including my current Virago. But I don't think about bikes all that much anymore. Especially since I made the decision not to insure it. This was a tough decision made easy because of my commitment to my wife and kids. No problem. I can deal with that. I just wish I didn't have to see it every time I came home.

And the VW van - once a dream. Since it broke down last summer, it has served as a storage locker with wheels. We love camping but have not done so since that fateful July day in the Roger's pass.

So, these two vehicles serve as a daily slap in the face. They are reminders that I don't earn enough money to get either on the road.

Now I can add a third vehicle to the junkyard collection: our 1990 Honda Accord EXR. Yeah, we did just got it fixed (again) but now it's not running reliably and I fear it will not make it home if we decided to leave the yard.

So we are grinding through the decision to lease or buy and it seems like leasing is our only option right now. I wish it weren't so. Even if I could sell my bike, I can't sell the van cause I am only part owner. The new parts on my car are worth more than what I could get for it at a junkyard.

Ideally, I'd like to drive home to an empty driveway in a newer Civic or Mazda 3 Sport. It's just not that easy. I've been challenged lately by Marc's and Sheldon's thoughts on these issues and wonder where I fit in with "wanting more" and "living the easy like."

I don't really know what I am saying by this post. I'm just a little frustrated with our life situation right now. We don't know what to do about car stuff. We can't really afford much. And we don't know what it means to trust God either. I wish it was as easy as trading 3 defunct vehicles in for one that works and is reliable.

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