Monday, May 14, 2007

It's gone

The span between this post and my last post is definitive proof that the novelty of the internet has finally warn off...

My first introduction to the internet was in the high school computer lab. All I used it for back then was to find guitar tabs of the songs I was into. I think all web stuff was mostly text based back then.

In my first year of college, my parents got a computer and hooked up to the net via dial-up. I don't really know why they wanted internet because they didn't really know much about it or have a need so it may have been my influence.

Angela and I were married in 1998 and we didn't have a computer so we would head down the street to my parents house if we ever needed anything. I think it was shortly after we were married that we signed up for our first address - a hotmail address that we still have to this day.

We finally purchased our first computer in 2000. We needed one for the work we were doing and for school. I hooked up to the net via dial-up and I became a new person. I was a data hog, downloading any and everything I could get my hands on. I became addicted to online gaming spending many sleepless nights trying to pick off people I didn't even know with the M-21 sniper rifle (can anyone guess which game?)

During this time, my friends that lived in other towns started connecting via broadband. I shortly became jealous but there was nothing I could do because broadband wasn't offered in our town.

We didn't hit the jackpot of available bandwidth until we moved to Summerland 5 years ago. I believe the first phone call after we arrived was to Shaw to get them to come out and hook me up. I couldn't wait any longer.

I've gone through all sorts of phases of internet usage from downloading movies, to gaming, to surfing for all sorts of stuff I didn't really need to look for, to instant messaging and on and on. I guess the latest two things I have really been into are were blogging and more recently Facebook. I really don't have a desire to keep up on either anymore. I mean, it's nice to reconnect with old friends and see what everyone is up to but I don't really want to put forth an effort. And, I don't have a lot of time to blog but I think that if I really wanted to blog, I'd find the time.

So where does that leave my blog? I dunno. I like having it here and I do like writing every once and a while and I like getting feedback but for right now, all I can say is don't expect too much. Feel free to check back from time to time and see what's going on but you may find grand lapses in time between posts. I may get a second (or third or fourth) wind so you never know, there might just be a pleasant surprise awaiting at your next return.

And where does that leave my relationship with the internet? It's now a tool. I need it for stuff. I need it to keep in touch with people. I need it to watch TV. I need it to check the forecast. I need it to find fixes when something screws up. I need it to buy things. I do check my emails from time to time but the novelty of that has warn off too. I can leave my laptop at home without giving it a second thought whereas a few years ago, every second thought was: "I wonder if I have any email since I checked it 30 seconds ago."

I don't know how to end this post. I'm trying too hard to be clever. So, until the next post, have a pleasant day/night or whatever it is for you.


Unknown said...

So does that mean you're going back to dial up?

Anonymous said...

I hear you, Chris. Other than for writing and keeping in touch with people, I find the internet largely dull.

I do hope, however, that you get that second, third, fourth, etc. wind, because I've enjoyed your blog. And I notice when it's silent for a while. You've got a voice and you have interesting things to say.

That said, I admire you for at least being willing to walk away.