Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I'm thinking that if I recap the last month or so, I'll find more freedom to blog more consistently and more often. I think that if I cover the basics of my life's happenings in the last while, I won't be haunted by the "shoulda's" (I shoulda blogged about this, and I shoulda blogged about that.) Without further adieu:

June 26 - Today is my birthday. 29 I am.
June 25 - Finished reading A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. A must read.
June 24 - I took Mackenzie for a bike ride on the Trans Canada Trail near here. He slept through most of it.
June 21 - Mackenzie and I attempted a night out in the VW van. We didn't make it
June 18 - I arrived home from my week long trip to California. My friend Terry and I took a load of very expensive horses to Las Angeles. 5500 km in 3 days. It was fun, exhausting, and I missed my family7.
June 12 - I left for Calgary. Unloaded Wednesday. Picked up the horses early on Thursday, and then straight through to LA.
June 11 - Lukas' close encounter with our coffee table. Lots of blood. Good photo opportunities.
June 10 - Mackenzie turned 3 years old.
June 5 - Lukas turned 1 year old. Angela and I celebrated by going to see Pirates 3 (give me a break, Lukas was sleeping when we left for the theatre)
June 4 - Angela's parents headed home after a good visit.
June 3 - Actionfest service in the park. I led a sweet band. We led worship for some 300 people in Memorial Park in Summerland. The morning was good. The weeks leading up to it - not so good.
June 2 - Local Parade. The first time Mackenzie enjoyed a parade. The only thing that scared him was the giant dog.
June 1 - Epic bike ride up and down Giants Head Mountain. (Epic for me)
May 31 - Angela's dad arrived. I am not totally sure this was the day but it was close. He came later because he had to finish seeding.
May 30 - Finished The Life And Times Of The Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson. A funny, light-hearted read.
May 29 - Arrived home after taking a pile of Jr. High kids to YC Alberta in Edmonton.
May 28 - Met up with an old friend from High School, James Reed. We spent the day at West Edmonton Mall and James came up to meet me. Good times
May 27 - Angela turned 30. I wasn't at home to celebrate :-(
May 24 - Left for YC Alberta. Turned out to be the best time I've had at a conference with youth. Nothing super spiritually significant but good none the less. The bands were really good this year. I enjoyed David Crowder, United, Lincoln Brewster, Leeland, Delirious?, and after missing the first quarter of the Toby Mac show (I fell asleep), I was rather entertained (surprise surprise).
May 22 & 23 - A couple of funerals for church family members.
May 21 - Good friends, Anthony & Amanda, came for a visit. Very refreshing. Good catching up.
May 20 - Angela's mom arrived for a good visit.
May 19 - A day of quadding/4x4ing. Soo much fun. We didn't kill ourselves.
May 18 - Finished The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz. The story of how a bunch of guys escaped a prison camp in Yakutsk and walked to British India. Intense.
May 17 - Recycling day. We like recycling day.
May 16 - Arrived home from a quick trucking trip to Calgary.
May 14 - Last post on my blog before this one.

1 comment:

Marc Vandersluys said...

Happy Birthday!

And welcome back (to blogging)!
