Monday, January 22, 2007

The Still, Small Voice of Love

Another Nouwen Meditation:

Many voices ask for our attention. There is a voice that says, "Prove that you are a good person." Another voice says, "You'd better be ashamed of yourself." There also is a voice that says, "Nobody really cares about you," and one that says, "Be sure to become successful, popular, and powerful." But underneath all these often very noisy voices is a still, small voice that says, "You are my Beloved, my favor rests on you." That's the voice we need most of all to hear. To hear that voice, however, requires special effort; it requires solitude, silence, and a strong determination to listen.

That's what prayer is. It is listening to the voice that calls us "my Beloved."


Sheldon said...

Thanks for making me feel better by posting even less often than I have been LOL!!

Chris Hiebert said...

Haha! Yeah, I have been somewhat preoccupied as of late. I guess I could blog about my preoccupations!

Seriously though, I'm feeling that unless I have something cool or edgy or new to say, I shouldn't write anything at all. I know that's dumb. I just gotta bring myself to do it. I'll hopefully get back into the groove soon, but then again, I wouldn't want you to feel bad...