Monday, October 02, 2006


I rode 992 km this weekend! This was the longest ride I have done ever! It was sweet!

At a men's breakfast a couple of weeks ago, Dan (a guy from my church) asked me if I was going to Promise Keepers. I told him that I was undecided cause of the money factor and a few other factors. The conversation carried on to other things. Just as we were leaving, Dan said: "Chris, I come from a Christian family and have brothers and sisters in ministry. I know a little of what it's like and how hard it is to make it financially sometimes. I will pay for you to go to Promise Keepers and I want you to take my bike!" I was shocked. I teared up a bit and gave him a hug. I was genuinely grateful! The decision was made for me.

About 16 of us left last Friday morning. Six of us took bikes including my friend Robby who rode on the back of mine. I rode a 2006 Honda Shadow 750 with only 5000 kms on it. Now it has six! It was a sweet ride! A little cool at times but the days were beautiful and the scenery was stunning! Robby & I were both plugged into my ipod. He provided the soundtrack for our journey. He pulled out some Collective Soul that brought me back to High School. I heard Tanya Chua which I liked. We rode to Spokane WA for the conference.

I don't really feel like writing about the conference right now. I'm just not in the mood. But the highlights for me were the ride, of course, hanging out with the guys and chatting, taking pictures in the park, and sweet talks with Robby. Here are some pics from the weekend:

The guys before we left

The clock tower in the park

Robby in the clock tower

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