Tuesday, October 31, 2006

We made it!

Made it through what? Well, I am sitting at Angela's parents computer connected via dial-up, in cold Southern Saskatchewan. That means I made it through the exhaustive last week. That means I finally finished arranging that choir song I was talking about a while back (here.) It was that song that took all my free time in the past weeks. And that means the four of us made it on the plane, made it through the flight to Regina, and made it through the 3 hour drive to the farm. These were no small feats. Mackenzie and Lukas did pretty well with the travelling. They had the expected issues with the air pressures bothering their ears on landings, and had enough sitting by the time we got in the van for the ride to the farm, but overall, they did well.

So now do I relax? I'll try. I actually have a fair bit of "church work" I gotta do from out here. I am tempted to forget about it but then I wouldn't be taking care of my responsibilities. We'll see. And, usually when we go on a holiday, I get sick. Angela thinks it is because I come down from living life at a fast pace that I crash when it slows. She is probably right. So I am not looking forward to that. I will be sleeping more - naps every day and the occasional morning to sleep in when Angela's mom and dad entertain the boys. That will be sweet.

We'll have adventures on the farm. Mackenzie loves the farm. Tractor rides . . . horse rides . . . chores with uncle Richard and Grandpa. . .

We'll visit my sister and her family. Mackenzie will get to play with his three cousins.

We'll have some friends come visit from all around Saskatchewan. Sorry Sheldon, I don't think we'll make it to Saskatoon. I'll email or call though . . .

And, I'll be able to read some books and muse more on this blog. I am looking forward to that.

We'll finish watching the second season of lost. Richard and I will log a few hours on the xbox. We may even play some old school UT, Rogue Spear, Medal of Honor over the LAN on our pc's. Those old games are the only ones that may run on my laptop. None of this BF1942 or Half Life 2 stuff. Someday.

So yeah, stay tuned for life updates, thoughts on books and thoughts on other stuff. I am even going to take time to update a few things on this site. I'll wait till I get back to post some photo albums. After all, this is dial-up, the only option out here at the moment. I am thankful though - I am connected!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome here! We can't wait to see you guys. Hope you are feeling better Chris. See you soon.