Friday, September 29, 2006

On the road again

I am hitting the open road again, only I'll be on a beautiful set of two wheels. I am biking down to Spokane WA today with 15 other guys. We are going to a Promise Keepers conference.

I am excited about the trip but not so excited about the conference. These conferences are not my type of thing. I am really going for the ride and to hang out with our church men. As far as the conferences go, I don't want to be manipulated into any sort of response. I want it to be God moving me to worship or change or whatever but often with these big evangelical hype fests, the lines get blury, in my mind anyway. I'm really praying for the Spirit's leading while hearing a pile of speakers say I gotta do this and that to be a man of God.

I'll be sure to post photos and thoughts in retrospect when I get back.

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