Monday, November 27, 2006

The last straw? NEVER!

So my laptop fell on the floor again. Maybe for the last time. Shortly after this incident, I found that my laptop had shut off - the power surge/shorting out kinda shut off. After a reboot, I saw that my power module wasn't supplying power to the laptop. I wasn't surprised - I've had to rewire it twice due to excessive use. I tore it apart and tried a more permanent fix which involved a lot of solder. When I plugged it into the laptop, it whistled in a way I cannot explain. I thought I may have soldered it wrong. Feeling beat, I started pricing out a new power supply. Before I commiting to buying one, I had to make sure it was the power supply. After fiddling, I almost admitted defeat. I powered up my laptop with the intention of aimlessly surfing the net while wondering what one does when he knows he only has a half hour of battery life left before it dies and he has to wait a week before a new power supply arrives. Only, the laptop shorted out, this time before my very eyes. After a few cycles of this, I deducted that the short is related to internal parts surrounding the thingy (good technical term) where the power supply plugs into my laptop. I proceeded to take things apart, only I didn't get very far cause I didn't know what I was doing.

So, the point of this post is that I have found a manual that tells me how to take my laptop apart and tonight, after the boys are in bed, I am going to do surgery. I am even thinking I may take a few pictures to document this feat, or defeat . . .

So, see ya on the other side.

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