Monday, September 11, 2006

Christian Signs

I had actually thought of starting a blog over a year ago. What planted the seed was all these 'Christian Signs' I was seeing all over the place. I wanted to start a blog where I would post pictures of these cheesy signs and have people comment on them. It was going to be humorous - a place where you could come for a good laugh. But alas, that had already been done. I just forgot about it.

But I didn't forget about the signs though. As a matter of fact, there is a church two blocks down the street from us that has one of those signs that can say anything they want it to, and they sure go to great lengths to come up with crazy things. We walk by there every time we need a good laugh. Sometimes I wonder if they are trying to be cheesy on purpose. I do wonder if their signs actually bring people in.

The reason I brought this up is cause they have done it again with a new slogan. Get a load of this:What does a sign like this do for you? You wanna laugh? You wanna cry? Does it make you sick? Do you want to run into the church and repent? Is this a sign that a revival is comming?

Technically, they have got it wrong. Download means that you are taking something in, you are bringing something in. Really, what this sign is saying is: bring on your worries, take them in. If you are with God, he will give you worries. Instead, the correct term they should use is, 'upload', right? Doesn't upload mean that you are giving away something you have, that you are taking data on your machine and sending it to someone else's? Shouldn't it read:

Upload your worries
Get online with God

I feel I should write them a note and leave it on their door, see what they do. Anybody want me to let them know what they are really saying? Let me know!

I am so glad our church didn't get one of these signs. I really think it hinders churches more than it helps. What do you think?


Joel said...

*laugh* Oh Chris. How I would love to sit and wax philisophical with you for an hour or so over the silly signs of churches. I do miss having a cynical, sarcasitic soul-mate who has been bathed in church culture and has perceptions that I can identify with. Perhaps the note I would leave may refer to Matthew 6, and how Jesus inferred that our worries or anxieties should not be things that we hold on to or "upload" but rather how we should just not be that way at all.

I love your piles Chris. Keep piling online.

Chris Hiebert said...

Hey Joel, I miss your cynical sarcasm too.

I was thinking of Psalm 55:22 - "Cast your burdens on the LORD. . . "

You have a blog going?


Joel said...

Chris, is my life blog. is my religious/philisophical thought blog. is my poetry/prose/pretending to be artistic blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris,

I thought I'd added you to my feed aggregator, but apparently I hadn't. But after you commented on my blog, I checked and I hadn't. I have some catching up to do.

Funny you should post this (or have posted this 10 days ago), but I just did a post about church signs (in which I made my own with a church sign generator). I'll be honest: they really bother me. The jokes are usually lame and do nothing useful as far as I can tell.

My two cents.

Hey, is the "mom" up there your mom? As in Mom Hiebert? Her profile says she has a blog, but the link doesn't work.

If it is: Hi, Mrs. Hiebert!

Chris Hiebert said...

Yeah, mom is my mom - mom Hiebert. She kinda signed up to do a blog by accident. She hasn't actually posted a blog. Not yet anyway. I am encouraging her to.

Yeah, church signs. The relevant podcast I listen too is doing a thing on church signs this week. They acknowledge that they are usually cheezy and counter productive. They are asking people to send in stuff that might actually be good or positive. Stuff they would like their listeners to see on a church sign. This comes after a church put on their sign "Muslims can convert to Christianity here!" I like your idea. If you don't mind, I would send your phrase into them to share with the world (their listeners) giving you full credit of course. I won't though unless I hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Which phrase would you send in? In any case, go ahead.

Chris Hiebert said...

Your sign: "Let's face it. Those dumb church sign jokes don't attract newcomers."

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. No prob.