Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Futurist

I finished reading The Futurist by James P. Othmer. I am not much of a book reviewer so this will simply be a gut reaction to the book.

Basically, the book is about a guy named Yates who is a Futurist - tells people what they want to hear about the future. He is a fake and a fraud. He gets tired of being a fake and telling lies so he plans to end his career by insulting everybody. It only makes him more famous. He wants to tell the truth now but get's shafted into carrying on as the lying futurist. Bad stuff happens. He gives up on the lies for good, and becomes a good guy. That's about it.

It was a wierd book. I hadn't read a novel in a while so I didn't know what to expect. I can't say I particularly liked it. It was like renting a movie that isn't very good, not particularly bad, but since you put down the money, you decided to watch to the end. Thankfully, all I had to put down in this case was a library card.

So, go read it if you want to. Don't read it. I don't really care with this one.

I am going to finish a few other books I am working on before I start something new.

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