Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What Sunday brought

Ahhhh, Sunday. Seemed like a pretty good morning. I had my drummer friend Steve join the worship team on Sunday. Angela and I were in a band with him before Mackenzie was born. It is always a pleasure to have him play.

We did "I'll fly Away" bluegrass. Our church loved that. So when is it worship and just pure enjoyment? I think it can be both.

And I covered my first Steve Bell song. I did his version of Psalm 40. I originally planned to have the band do U2's "Forty" but opted for this on Saturday morning. I've never performed a Steve Bell song. I never felt good enough. It went fairly well. I really only chunked the ending but nobody really noticed. I just mention this cause I struggle with some insecurities as a musician. The main struggle being I feel I am not a performer, the desire is there to write and perform but I don't know if I should really pursue it. It's the fear of sucking (aka: failure). But, I think I was lead to do this song. A few people shared with me that they were blessed by it. Good stuff.

But the real reason I write about Sunday is in reference to a previous post. Check it here if you need to be brought up to speed.

So, Rick preached a pretty good sermon. He pointed out that "it's important to take the Sermon on the mount in its wholeness. You can not take it in pieces." That was key for me. No guilt trip here. The ultimate challenge was to take a step back from life and our world and perhaps when we see our world's sin-full state, we will mourn as God mourns. As we see sin of our country, we may mourn as God mourns. And finally as we see the sin-full state we live in, personally, we will mourn our depravity and turn to the sinless one for forgiveness, redemption, nay, salvation.

There is more too it than that but that was the jist.

Oh yeah, shameless plug. You can find Ricks sermons and other stuff related to our church at www.scmac.ca.

Rick and I are both away this weekend. He is going to continue walking through Matthew only take a Sunday to talk about "The Kingdom." Should be interesting. He is welcoming my input. I am still trying to track down a book I read that had some everyday examples of what the Kingdom should or can look like today. Anybody read something similar?

Anyway, that's what Sunday brought

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The book 'Kingdom Come' by Wakabayashi is an excellent one I thought. Also -- A Theology of the New Testament by Ladd is supposed to have an amazing section in it --- said my roommate.