Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In Awe and Wonder

Angela and I read together at breakfast time. I know this wasn't totally the point of what we read this mornig but I was reminded how awesome God is. How his creation is "awe-full" - full of awe. How the mysteries of God leave me standing in awe and wonder.

We were reading about something in particular. I'll describe it. We totally know that these are real. They are more real to us than the earth we walk on, yet, we can't touch them, taste them, hear them, smell them nor see them. We all know they exist but we can't prove it. No scientist can show you them, say that they are there, but they are. They are very real to us. You wanna know what they are? Do you already know? How about we make this a guessing game. You let me know what you think they are and I'll tell you in a couple of days. Maybe I'll find that there are more 'things like these' and this game was a waste of time, but I would learn something!

So, don't forget to stand back in awe and wonder of our magnificent God. Be overwhelmed. Be immersed in him. He created you and loves you! You, like I, am his beloved.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, Good question, my guess would be our "thoughts" or "memories."

Anonymous said...

hmm...I would say beauty, truth, love

Anonymous said...

Those are good answers, and I can't come up with anything new.